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Double Sided Printing
Operating Panel - Administrative Usage
Setting Network Address Bulk Deleting Jobs Outputting Maintenance Logs Accessing Special Print...
Operating Panel - General Usage
Viewing Jobs When selecting a job in Active Jobs List (6) or Inactive jobs (8) it will display t...
Printing Rulers
Printing a Nozzle Check
To begin a nozzle check on the flat bed, pick your material and size (big enough for the test siz...
Measuring the Head Height
To measure the thickness of the material choose the guage from the shadow board. Take it to th...
Loading Material
Loading Material Select the material from the rack behind the Arizona (Other materials are found...
Vacuum Areas
Introduction The overlay sheet on the printer table creates a vacuum field, which is divided int...
Printing a Nozzle Check
Once the print heads are clean you can now print to check the print quality, we usually print ...
Setting Up Double Sided Banners
To set up a double-sided banner, the file should be set up with just a 3mm bleed; if eyelets are ...
Company Details - Copy and Pasteable
Bank Account Information, VAT Number, EORI. EORI GB878098854000 Company Details.pdf
Loading the Bobbin
Turn the power off before replacing the bobbin. Lift the latch 1 and take the bobbin out of it...
How to sew a Feather Flag
Sewn using monofilament (Clear thread) Fold 13cm elastic banding in half. ...
How to sew a barrier jacket
ACM | Dibond | Aluminium Composite - Folded Box Pans
Usually, returns have either 100mm or 50mm but these may be specified. Backlit pans require a ...
Threading the sewing machine head
Follow the guide above using the colours: Left Needle Right Needle Note; If you are using a si...
Unloading a Roll
Unloading the Roll to Roll Option Step 1: On the dashboard click Roll to Roll Setup. Step 2: Mo...
Loading a Roll
Loading the Roll to Roll Option Step 1: On the dashboard click roll to roll setup Step 2: Click...
Adding Drill Holes
Using the Automatic Drill Hole Positioning System in Artwork System Using matic track, when view...
Loading a Roll on the Feeding Unit to Print
Starting from the menu. Select machine setup Turn on the feeding unit. If the error 428 ...