Operating Panel - General Usage
Viewing Jobs
When selecting a job in Active Jobs List (6) or Inactive jobs (8) it will display the artwork in the job Placement Preview (7)
Viewing Print Layers
Position Jobs
To position a job- use the offsets panel on the right-hand side under the preview.
Starting from the bottom left of the artwork you can select the horizontal and vertical offset. This is based on setting a board on the bed at 0x0mm based on the ruler position printed on the bed.
Tip: Print your job closest to the print head in case of print issues you can save the rest of the board
Creating Batch Jobs
Printing a Nozzle Check
Select Nozzle Check at the top right of the page (5)
This loads the pattern to print a nozzle check. Select if you'd like to print on the roll or on the bed (9) and then hit print.
Pausing Jobs
Select Hold to pause a job. (4)
Cancelling Jobs
Select CancelĀ (4)
Deleting Jobs
Select Delete (4)
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