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Creating a Bill/Supplier/Prepayment Accrual

You must have permissions to Manual Journals to make Sales Accruals

Sometimes you want to split the cost of something over several months or a year.  You can do this by creating a recurring journal.

Examples of accruals...

Type Period Total Amount Amount Per Month
ISO Audit 12 months £1200 £100
New Arizona Printhead 6 Months £2400 £400

1. From the Accounting Menu > Manual Journals


2. Select New Journal or Repeating Journal


3. The Narration is so you can quickly see the content of the journal, think of it like the invoice number


3.1 For Bills the Narration should be the Purchase Order Number and Supplier you are accruing for

e.g. MM12345 - Canon - Arizona Print Head

3.2 For Prepayments the Narration should be the Purchase Order Number, Supplier and The Period

e.g. MM12345 - Canon - Arizona Print Head - 6 Month Split

4. Enter the lines of the Manual Journal

For Bills there should be two lines, one Credit to the Nominal Code of the Bill e.g. Fuel and one .  The credit amount should be the total amount of the bill.


5. Select the Date

You should select the date you want the accrual to appear in. e.g. If you are accruing an May Invoice in April it would be 30/04/2022


6. [OPTIONAL] Setting the Repeat


I always try and set this to the 27th so it isn't affected by February.

6. [OPTIONAL] Select the Automatic Reversing Date

For bills you should always set the Auto Reversing Date as the following month, this allows you to track when a Sales Invoice has been properly invoiced and reversed.
