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Operational Minutes - 2023-03-31


Title: Weekly Operations Meeting
Reason: Standard Operations Meeting
Total Time:
Held By: Robert McCombe
Attendees: Kelly Power, Andy Roddie

Weekly Key Performance Indicator Reviews

Available here: Operations KPI Report - MaticTrack (

Review each metric below

  • Performance Metrics
  • External Wastages
  • Internal Wastages
Issues Cause Solution Action When
Ink Drips on Night Shift with Arizona Believe heads are not getting cleaned regular enough. Check heads hourly for cleanliness Kelly and Andy to speak to Steven Monday 3rd
Double Sided Print not being run on Colorado No cause Add to manual on how to do and get each operator to do a test Get roll in, get job bag for each operator and use Graphic Warehouse Samples Artwork. Next Week
Counts wrong on Dispatch Not being counted Add a software block on moving to next stage without coming quantities Robert to add to system End of April
Bespoke tape not put on Linden orders No information displayed on job bags or dispatch Add to dispatch information as fixed note for customer Robert to add to system End of April
1000 pound orders need date confirmation before releasing to customer System just shows a date for everything Robert to add to system Robert to add to system End of April
Finishing time of nightshift Not working till 6.30 am Speak to nightshift Kelly and Andy to speak to nightshift ha ha Monday 3rd
If changes are made to job bag rhey should be on MaticTrack as well (up to digital cutting) No body has been told to do this Tell them to do it Kelly and Andy will tell every on Monday am meeting Monday 3rd
Kelly keeps getting contacted by nightshift or they are not problem solving the issue themselfs As per left Log all queries so we can categorise Everyone will have a think about this for the next meeting Friday 7th


Staffing Reviews

Employee Training Current 90 Day Progress Notes
Kelly Power

Andy Roddie

Gary Leckie

Megan Buchanan

No stepping up to plate
Jason Todd

Slow, Overprocesses
Matthew Parris

Bad memory issues, might need a routine, might need some problem solving review
Lewis Grierson

No stepping up to plate
Brendan Caldwell

Doing well
Graham Halley

Same as usual
Stephen Murphy

See trending issues
Michael Colon

Moved on to nightshift, doing well.

Plant & Equipment Issues

Plant & Equipment Issue Status Owner Action
Eyeletter Eyelets miss firing Fixed - Andy ordering spare parts Andy
Fabric Printer Blue not printing correctly Fixed - Did 3 ink fills Gary
Fixation Unit Tension bar not moving up or down Awaiting Supplier Feedback Andy Get a service done
Floor Eyeletter Number 2 Needs assessed Broken Andy Do a review
Screen for monitoring cameras Needs a screen
Robert End of April


Improvement Current Status Updates Since Last Meeting