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Sickness & Illness & Unauthorised Absences Procedure


This overviews the procedure for unexpected absence in regards to to reporting, recording and analysis.

Process & Workflow


Reporting Sickness

Sickness should be reported to your manager / supervisor at earliest opportunity.  Reporting should be completed via phone call.  This should be completed daily until you are fit to return to work.

Reporting sickness via SMS/Text Message/Digital Message Platform e.g. Whatsapp is not an acceptable form of reporting illness.

Paid Sick Leave

All sick leave is unpaid, at managers discretion you may be allowed to use your holiday allowance in times of prolonged sickness.  Company policy is this is used in extenuating circumstances only.

SSP - Statutory Sick Pay

SSP is paid when you have been sick for more than 4 days in a row.  The current rate of SSP is available here: Statutory Sick Pay (SSP): employer guide: Overview - GOV.UK (

Sick for More Than 7 Days in a Row

If you are sick for more than 7 days in a row you must get a Doctors Note/Fit Note .

Back to Work Form

The back to work form must be completed on return to work.  This must be completed at the return of every return from sickness.