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Term Meaning
Registration Someone who has signed up but not purchased
Potential Someone who has purchased once
Customer Someone who has purchased 3 or more times
Lapsed Potential Someone who has purchased before but not in the last 45 days
Lapsed Customer A customer who has not purchased in the last 45 days
Daily Customer Someone who purchases Daily at least once a day for a period of 10 working days
Weekly Customer Someone who purchases at least once a  Week for a period of 8 weeks
Fortnightly Customer Someone who purchases once every two weeks for a period of 6 weeks
Monthly Customer Someone who purchases 3 Months in a row
Quarterly Customer Someone who purchases once every quarter
Annual Customer Someone who purchases once every year
Random Customer Someone who has no pattern or not enough orders (minimum 3)
Lurker Someone who prices up or requests quotes but has never purchased
Active Number of contacts who have requested a quote, phoned in or made a quick quote on the website
Up Trending Customer Someone who's value, number or frequency of spend is increasing in increments of 100, 300, 500 or 1000's

i.e. switching from a Weekly Spend Profile to Daily or number of sales increasing from 10 to 15 in a period
Down Trending Customer Someone who's value, number or frequency of spend is decreasing in increments of 100, 300, 500 or 1000's

i.e. switching from a Monthly Spend Profile to Quarterly or number of sales decreasing from 15 to 10 in a period
B.W.O.T Big Waste of Time - Someone who requests quotes/quickquotes but never places any sales

Quote Conversion Rate of less than 15%
Quickquote Conversion Rate of less than 3%